| A |
uFormat$() and StrE$() provide flexible formatting of numeric values | | 2018/12/14 12:29 | 2018/12/14 13:07 | Administrator | Administrator | Control, Encode and Decode, Environment, Maths |
MORSE.BAS | | 2016/12/19 09:40 | 2016/12/23 23:36 | Administrator | Administrator | Encode and Decode, _LIB Original MMBasic |
Parsing GPS NMEA strings | | 2016/12/19 11:44 | 2016/12/23 23:38 | Administrator | Administrator | Encode and Decode, GPS, _LIB Original MMBasic |
GPS simulator | | 2016/12/19 11:47 | 2016/12/23 23:29 | Administrator | Administrator | Dates, Time and Clocks, Encode and Decode, GPS, Maths, Strings, _LIB Original MMBasic |
HumanTime() Function to return a human readable date and time from a unixtime number | | 2017/08/02 11:40 | 2018/12/14 13:10 | CaptainBoing | Administrator | Dates, Time and Clocks, Encode and Decode, Maths, Strings |
ENIGMA Code simulators | | 2016/12/19 11:12 | 2016/12/23 23:29 | Administrator | Administrator | Encode and Decode, Maths, Strings, _LIB Original MMBasic |
RTC-DOW.BAS | | 2016/12/19 10:08 | 2016/12/23 23:40 | Administrator | Administrator | Dates, Time and Clocks, Encode and Decode, Maths, Strings, _LIB Original MMBasic |
| H |
Sign Extend an Integer | | 2018/01/31 22:45 | 2018/02/01 12:59 | CaptainBoing | CaptainBoing | Control, Electronics, Encode and Decode, Hardware, i2c, Maths |
Simple Decimal to BCD conversion function | | 2019/11/23 05:08 | 2019/11/23 05:08 | CaptainBoing | CaptainBoing | Dates, Time and Clocks, Encode and Decode, Maths |
URL DECODE Function | | 2016/11/28 15:24 | 2016/12/17 19:52 | CaptainBoing | CaptainBoing | Encode and Decode, Network, Strings |
URL ENCODE Function | | 2016/12/07 21:29 | 2016/12/17 19:53 | CaptainBoing | CaptainBoing | Encode and Decode, Network, Strings |
Ultra-Compact Logging with Flash Storage on small MicroMites | | 2018/04/04 11:30 | 2021/11/26 16:55 | CaptainBoing | CaptainBoing | Arrays, Debug, Encode and Decode, Environment, Memory, Strings |
UnixTime or Epoch Time | | 2017/07/31 13:19 | 2021/02/10 11:36 | CaptainBoing | CaptainBoing | Dates, Time and Clocks, Encode and Decode, Maths, Strings |
Now() Function (VB work-a-like) | | 2017/11/20 13:59 | 2020/09/16 08:08 | CaptainBoing | CaptainBoing | Dates, Time and Clocks, Encode and Decode, Program Flow |
IsDST - Function to Test a DateTime to see if Daylight Savings should be applied | | 2020/06/29 17:58 | 2020/07/21 08:11 | CaptainBoing | CaptainBoing | Dates, Time and Clocks, Encode and Decode, Maths, Strings, Timers |
Base64 Mime Encode and Decode Functions | | 2016/11/28 15:58 | 2016/12/17 19:44 | CaptainBoing | CaptainBoing | Encode and Decode, Strings |
Polar and Rectangular Co-ordinate Conversion Functions | | 2018/11/14 21:00 | 2020/01/03 16:57 | CaptainBoing | CaptainBoing | Encode and Decode, Graphics, Maths |
SHIFT or ROTATE an array of integers | | 2020/07/01 08:11 | 2020/07/01 09:23 | CaptainBoing | CaptainBoing | Encode and Decode, Maths, Memory |
RC4 Encryption and Decryption Functions | | 2016/11/28 16:38 | 2021/11/12 11:14 | CaptainBoing | CaptainBoing | Encode and Decode, Maths, Strings |
Quick Day Of Week (and tiny too) | 2 | 2017/06/07 20:35 | 2017/08/04 08:49 | Administrator | CaptainBoing | Dates, Time and Clocks, Encode and Decode, Maths |