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Pages of the Category MMBasic.Dates, Time and Clocks

The list of all pages contained in the current namespace.

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Page TitleCommentsCreated onModified onCreated byModified byCategories
Temperature Measurement with DS3231 Realtime Clock RTC 2016/11/28 16:52 2018/02/09 18:15 CaptainBoingCaptainBoingDates, Time and Clocks, Electronics, Environment
Analog Clock 2016/12/17 12:16 2016/12/23 23:16 AdministratorAdministratorDates, Time and Clocks, _LIB Original MMBasic
DCF77 DigiClock 2016/12/17 16:01 2016/12/23 23:26 AdministratorAdministratorDates, Time and Clocks, GPS, _LIB Original MMBasic
Astrofix 2016/12/17 18:13 2016/12/23 23:17 AdministratorAdministratorAstronomy, Dates, Time and Clocks, GPS, _LIB Original MMBasic
RTC-DOW.BAS 2016/12/19 10:08 2016/12/23 23:40 AdministratorAdministratorDates, Time and Clocks, Encode and Decode, Maths, Strings, _LIB Original MMBasic
DS1307 Real Time Clock 2016/12/19 10:50 2016/12/23 23:27 AdministratorAdministratorDates, Time and Clocks, Electronics, i2c, _LIB Original MMBasic
Day of the week for any date 2016/12/19 11:27 2016/12/23 23:25 AdministratorAdministratorDates, Time and Clocks, Maths, _LIB Original MMBasic
GPS simulator 2016/12/19 11:47 2016/12/23 23:29 AdministratorAdministratorDates, Time and Clocks, Encode and Decode, GPS, Maths, Strings, _LIB Original MMBasic
MMX - time of the seasons 2017/03/08 16:08 2018/12/04 22:43 David EagleAdministratorDates, Time and Clocks
Quick Day Of Week (and tiny too)22017/06/07 20:35 2017/08/04 08:49 AdministratorCaptainBoingDates, Time and Clocks, Encode and Decode, Maths
UnixTime or Epoch Time 2017/07/31 13:19 2021/02/10 11:36 CaptainBoingCaptainBoingDates, Time and Clocks, Encode and Decode, Maths, Strings
IsLeapYear Function to determine if the given year is a Leap Year on the Gregorian (western) calendar 2017/08/02 09:51 2020/01/03 11:58 CaptainBoingCaptainBoingDates, Time and Clocks, Maths
HumanTime() Function to return a human readable date and time from a unixtime number 2017/08/02 11:40 2018/12/14 13:10 CaptainBoingAdministratorDates, Time and Clocks, Encode and Decode, Maths, Strings
Day of the Week from DATE$ as day name 2017/08/04 07:14 2018/01/31 13:05 CaptainBoingCaptainBoingDates, Time and Clocks
Compact Quick Day Of Week function with historical capability 2017/08/04 08:46 2017/08/04 08:51 CaptainBoingCaptainBoingDates, Time and Clocks
Clock frequency trimming on Micromite II uses 1MHz output 2017/08/10 16:55 2017/08/11 09:38 AdministratorAdministratorControl, Dates, Time and Clocks, Debug, Hardware
Clock frequency trimming on Micromite II uses precision 32.768KHz output from DS3231 Real Time Clock 2017/08/10 17:03 2017/08/10 17:03 AdministratorAdministratorControl, Dates, Time and Clocks, Electronics, Hardware, Maths
Quick and Dirty Daylight Indicator 2017/08/15 10:27 2020/11/02 17:10 CaptainBoingCaptainBoingControl, Dates, Time and Clocks, Environment, Maths
Now() Function (VB work-a-like)  2017/11/20 13:59 2020/09/16 08:08 CaptainBoingCaptainBoingDates, Time and Clocks, Encode and Decode, Program Flow
DateAdd() Function (VB work-a-like) 2018/01/02 16:22 2020/09/16 08:11 CaptainBoingCaptainBoingDates, Time and Clocks, Strings
DateDiff() Function (VB work-a-like) 2018/01/04 15:55 2020/09/16 08:11 CaptainBoingCaptainBoingDates, Time and Clocks
MOON.BAS lunar calendar with graphics and simple GUI 2018/03/04 22:55 2018/03/04 22:58 raveraveAstronomy, Dates, Time and Clocks, Electronics
DatePart() Function (VB work-a-like) 2018/04/19 11:24 2018/05/03 15:50 CaptainBoingCaptainBoingDates, Time and Clocks, Strings
IsDate and IsTime functions (VB Work-A-Like) 2018/09/09 22:28 2021/11/27 15:09 CaptainBoingCaptainBoingDates, Time and Clocks, Maths, Strings
Simple Decimal to BCD conversion function 2019/11/23 05:08 2019/11/23 05:08 CaptainBoingCaptainBoingDates, Time and Clocks, Encode and Decode, Maths
IsDST - Function to Test a DateTime to see if Daylight Savings should be applied 2020/06/29 17:58 2020/07/21 08:11 CaptainBoingCaptainBoingDates, Time and Clocks, Encode and Decode, Maths, Strings, Timers
String editing on-screen for VT compatible Terminals 2020/07/13 17:31 2020/07/13 17:31 CaptainBoingCaptainBoingConsole, Dates, Time and Clocks, Program Flow, Strings