This module is part of the original MMBasic library. It is reproduced here with kind permission of Hugh Buckle and Geoff Graham. Be aware it may reference functionality which has changed or is deprecated in the latest versions of MMBasic.¶
Note: The required file(s) are available in the attachments tab (top right).
Coil Winder
by Ron Pugh
Please read the attached PDF for a detailed explanation of this project.The coil winder created by Ron uses a Maximite for computer control
in conjunction with a pulse width modulation circuit to control bobin motor speed
and a Sparkfun stepper motor controller.
The current video is available at
10 ' Count Demo, Mick Gulovsen, Ron Pugh
20 '
30 Setpin 11,5
40 A=pin(11)
50 Print A
60 B=pin(11)
70 IF B>A then A=B: goto 50
80 goto 60
10 ' PWM1.bas using Sound output pin
20 ' Keith Williams, Ron Pugh
30 Cls
40 Line(100, 100) - (300, 150), 1, B ' draws a box
50 Font #2 ' big print
60 Duty = 30 ' init to 30/70 PWM
70 ' 200 Hz duration about 33 minutes 50 % duty
80 '
90 GoSub 200
100 I$=Inkey$ : If I$="" Then GoTo 100 ' Test for keyboard input until key press
110 If I$="z" Then Duty = 15
120 If I$="x" Then Duty = 25
130 If I$="c" Then Duty = 40
140 If I$="v" Then Duty = 50
150 If I$="b" Then Duty = 60
160 If I$="n" Then Duty = 75
170 If I$="m" Then Duty = 100
180 GoTo 80
190 '
200 ' Subroutine to sound and print the duty cycle
210 Sound 200, 2000000, Duty
220 Print @(125,120) "Speed ";Duty;"% "
230 Return
10 ' PWM2ac.bas using Sound output pin
12 ' Plus nuber of turns (total count)
15 ' Mick Gulovsen, Ron Pugh
20 CLS
30 Line(100, 100) - (250, 150), 1, B1
40 Font 2 : Print@(120, 120) "Speed %"
50 Line(300, 100) - (400, 150), 1, B2
60 Line(100, 250) - (250, 300), 1, B3
70 Font 2 : Print@(105, 270) "Turns Count"
80 Line(300, 250) - (400, 300), 1, B4
90 Setpin 11,5
100 Duty = 30 ' init to 30/70 PWM
110 Sound 200, 200000, Duty ' 200 Hz duration about 33 minutes 30 % duty
130 FONT #2 ' big print
140 I$=Inkey$ : if I$="" then goto 270 'Test for keyboard input until key press
150 If I$="z" Then Duty = 15 : Print @(320, 120) " 15" : GoTo 230
160 If I$="x" Then Duty = 25 : Print @(320, 120) " 25" : GoTo 230
170 If I$="c" Then Duty = 40 : Print @(320, 120) " 40" : GoTo 230
180 If I$="v" Then Duty = 50 : Print @(320, 120) " 50" : GoTo 230
190 If I$="b" Then Duty = 60 : Print @(320, 120) " 60" : GoTo 230
200 If I$="n" Then Duty = 75 : Print @(320, 120) " 75" : GoTo 230
210 If I$="m" Then Duty = 100 : Print @(320, 120) "100" : GoTo 230
220 GoTo 140
230 Sound 200, 200000, Duty
250 GoTo 130
260 A=pin(11)
270 if pin(11) <>A then A=Pin(11): Font 2 : Print @(320, 270) A
280 goto 140 ' go back to check for key press
' PWM2ac.bas using Sound output pin
' Plus number of turns (total count)
' Mick Gulovsen, Ron Pugh
' This is the same as PWM2A.BAS but without line numbers and
' in a more structured programming form.
Line(100, 100) - (300, 150), 1, B ' draws a box
Font 2 : Print@(120, 120) "Speed %"
Line(300, 100) - (400, 150), 1, B
Line(100, 250) - (250, 300), 1, B
Font 2 : Print@(105, 270) "Turns Count"
Line(300, 250) - (400, 300), 1, B
SetPin 11,5
Font 2 ' big print
Soundit 30 ' init to 30/70 PWM
' 200 Hz duration about 33 minutes 50 % duty
Do ' loop for ever
Do ' Print count while waiting for change of Duty
If Pin(11) <> A Then
Font 2
Print @(320,270) A
Loop Until I$<>""
If I$="z" Then
Soundit 15
ElseIf I$="x" Then
Soundit 20
ElseIf I$="x" Then
Soundit 25
ElseIf I$="c" Then
Soundit 40
ElseIf I$="v" Then
Soundit 50
ElseIf I$="b" Then
Soundit 60
ElseIf I$="n" Then
Soundit 75
ElseIf I$="m" Then
Soundit 100
Sub Soundit Duty
Sound 200, 2000000, Duty
Print @(320,120) Duty;" "
End Sub
10 '---------------------------------
20 ' Coil Winder by Ron Pugh
30 ' Version 2 2012
40 ' With programming assistance from
50 ' Mick Gulovsen and Hugh Buckle
60 '---------------------------------
70 ' PWMs.bas using Sound output pin
80 ' Plus number of turns (total count)
90 Cls
100 Font #2
110 Input"Enter Wire Dia (in Thou)";dia
120 Input"Enter Bobbin Length (in Thou)";bobbin
130 ' steps per wire thickness calculation
140 ' assumptions
150 ' 200 pulses per rotation on stepper
160 ' 10 rotations per inch stepped
170 ' Direction starts with 0 then goes to 1
180 No_Puls=Cint(dia*2/10) ' No of Pulses per 1/10th rotation
190 Puls_Fr = dia*2/10 - No_Puls ' saves the fractional part of an extra rotation
200 Max_puls=bobbin*2 : Puls_Cnt=0
210 SetPin 1,8 : Pin(1)=0' set pin 1 for Stepper pulses and init as LOW
220 SetPin 2,8 : Pin(2)=0 : Dir_stat=0 ' set pin 2 for Direction and init as 0
230 Cls
240 Line(100, 100) - (250, 150), 1, B1
250 Font 2 : Print@(120, 120) "Speed %"
260 Line(300, 100) - (400, 150), 1, B2
270 Line(100, 250) - (250, 300), 1, B3
280 Font 2 : Print@(105, 270) "Turns Count"
290 Line(300, 250) - (400, 300), 1, B4
300 GoSub 810
310 SetPin 11,5
320 Duty = 30 ' init to 30/70 PWM
330 Sound 200, 2000000, Duty ' 200 Hz duration about 33 minutes 30 % duty
340 Font #2 ' big print
350 I$=Inkey$ : If I$="" Then GoTo 470 'Test for keyboard input until key press
360 If I$="z" Then Duty = 20 : Print @(320, 120) " 20" : GoTo 440
370 If I$="x" Then Duty = 30 : Print @(320, 120) " 30" : GoTo 440
380 If I$="c" Then Duty = 40 : Print @(320, 120) " 40" : GoTo 440
390 If I$="v" Then Duty = 50 : Print @(320, 120) " 50" : GoTo 440
400 If I$="b" Then Duty = 60 : Print @(320, 120) " 60" : GoTo 440
410 If I$="n" Then Duty = 75 : Print @(320, 120) " 75" : GoTo 440
420 If I$="m" Then Duty = 100 : Print @(320, 120) "100" : GoTo 440
430 GoTo 350
440 Sound 200, 2000000, Duty
450 GoTo 340
460 'A=PIN(11)
470 If Pin(11)=A Then
480 GoTo 350
490 Else
500 ' As the calc Cint(dia*2/10) will usually result in a remainder,
510 ' here we accumulate the error and add an extra turn when the
520 ' accumulated error is greater than or equal to 1
530 Accum_Puls_Fr = Accum_Puls_Fr + Puls_Fr
540 If Accum_Puls_Fr >= 1 Then
550 Pulses = No_Puls + 1
560 Accum_Puls_Fr = Accum_Puls_Fr - 1
570 Else
580 Pulses = No_Puls
590 EndIf
600 For X=1 To Pulses
610 Pin(1)=1
620 Pause .2
630 Pin(1)=0
640 Pause .7
650 GoSub 720
660 Next x
670 A=Pin(11)
680 EndIf
690 Font 2
700 Print @(320,270)Int(A/10)
710 GoTo 350 ' go back to check for key press
720 '
730 puls_Cnt=Puls_Cnt+1
740 If Puls_Cnt>Max_Puls Then
750 Dir_stat=Not(Dir_stat)
760 Pin(2)=Dir_stat
770 GoSub 810
780 Puls_cnt=Puls_cnt-Max_puls
790 EndIf
800 Return
810 '
820 Print@(150, 375) " ";
830 If Dir_stat=0 Then Print "RIGHT ------->"; Else Print"<------- LEFT ";
840 Return