' set the display properties at the command prompt: ' OPTION LCDPANEL ILI9341, orientation, D/C pin, reset pin [,CS pin] ' OPTION LCDPANEL ILI9341,RL,15,19,21 Dim n As Integer SetPin 23,dout: Pin(23)=1 ' set both CS HI SetPin 24,dout: Pin(24)=1 Pin(23)=0:GUI reset lcdpanel:Pin(23)=1)' reset each display in turn CS LO -> RESET -> CS HI Pin(24)=0:GUI reset lcdpanel:Pin(24)=1) 'Const DBlue = RGB(0, 0, 128) ' A dark blue colour Colour RGB(white), RGB(BLACK) ' Set the default colours Font 1,2 ' Set the default font Do For n=23 To 24 ' easy way to get the CS pins for each display Pin(n)=0 ' CS LO 'draw some stuff Box 0, 0, MM.HRes-1, MM.VRes/2, 3, RGB(RED), RGB(Rnd*128,Rnd*128,Rnd*128) Text MM.HRes/2, MM.VRes/4, Time$, "CM" , 1, 4, RGB(CYAN), DBlue 'Text MM.HRes/2, MM.VRes*3/4, "Disp"+Str$(n-22)+" "+Date$, "CM" Text Rnd*320, Rnd*240, "Disp"+Str$(n-22)+" "+Date$ Circle Rnd*320,Rnd*240,Rnd*100 Box Rnd*320,Rnd*240,Rnd*320,Rnd*240,3, RGB(Rnd*128,Rnd*128,Rnd*128) Pin(n)=1' CS HI Next Loop