This module is part of the original MMBasic library. It is reproduced here with kind permission of Hugh Buckle and Geoff Graham. Be aware it may reference functionality which has changed or is deprecated in the latest versions of MMBasic.¶
Note: The required file(s) are available in the attachments tab (top right).
Arcade game where you have to shoot enemies until you die 3 times. It shows how to use multi-sprite enemies, audio modules as sound effects and ADC input for moving your ship Right/Left with a potentiometer + a Button to fire.
'Arcade game test for Colour Maximite v4.0
'Fabrice Muller 2012
'All music modules have to be copied to a:
'The sprites are read from b:
'Joystick connections are :
'Pin 2 = 10Kohm Potentiometer
' Pin 2
' |
' |
' / \
' +3v3 ----------| o |---------- GND
' \___/
' 10Kohm Potentiometer
'Pin 15 = Button connected to GND , 10Kohm pullup resistor to pin 15
' __|__
' 10 Kohm | |
' +3v3 ---------/\/\/\/\-----|-------| |-------- GND
' |
' | Button
' Pin 15
'All arrays start at index 1
Option Base 1
'Erase all variables values from memory
'Load the Sprites
Drive "b:"
Sprite Load "arcade01.spr"
Drive "a:"
'Arrays declaration
Dim ShootSpr(5)
Dim ShowShoot(5)
Dim ShootPos(5,2)
Dim EnnemySpr(10)
Dim EnnemyPos(10,2)
Dim EnnemyShow(10)
Dim EnnemyDir(10)
Dim EnnemySpeed(10)
Dim EnnemyKilled(10)
Dim EnnemyShootSpr(10)
Dim EnnemyShootPos(10,2)
Dim EnnemyShowShoot(10)
Dim Sprite_to_Show(26)
Dim Cx(26)
Dim Cy(26)
'Main ship sprite number is 1
ShipSpr = 1
'Global Variables declaration
Max_Shoot = 5
Max_Ennemy = 10
Max_Ennemy_Shoot = 10
Max_Sprite = 26
Shoot_Speed = -5
Ennemy_Shoot_Speed = 5
SpriteFlip = 0
OutsideX = 0
OutsideY = 0
ShipX = 0
ShipY = 0
Audio_is_playing = 0
Fire = 0
Lives = 0
Score = 0
'Joystick declaration
'Pin 2 as ADC input for a 10Kohm potentiometer
SetPin 2,1
'PIN 15 = Fire Button 1
SetPin 15,2
'Initialise the sprites and screen
'General game loop
Do While 1
'Here we check if we fire every 300mS
If (Timer Mod 200) >= 100 Then
fire = Check_Fire(15)
'Put a new fire if possible
If fire = 0 Then Put_New_Fire
'Here we move the Ship
ShipX = Pot_Read(2)
'Here we move all Ennemys
'Here we move the Shoots we have fired
'Here we move the Ennemys Shoots they have fired
'Here we check if we have kill a Ennemy
'Here we Check if the Ennemys kill us
'We Random the Ennemy Shoots
If Int(Rnd * 100) > 80 Then Put_New_Enenmy_Fire
'Here we redraw all Sprites every 100mS
Print @(60,0) "Lives : ";Lives;" "
Print @(150,0) "Score : ";Score;" "
Sub Initialise
Local a
'Set all the Sprite first
For a = 1 To Max_Shoot
'Shoot Sprites start at 2
ShootSpr(a) = a + 1
ShowShoot(a) = 0
Next a
For a = 1 To Max_Ennemy
'Ennemy Sprites start at 7
EnnemySpr(a) = a + 6
'Don't show the ennemys now
EnnemyShow(a) = 1
'Reset Ennemys Directions
EnnemyDir(a) = 0
'Reset the Ennemys Speed
EnnemySpeed(a) = 2
'Put all Ennemy as not Killed
EnnemyKilled(a) = 0
Next a
For a = 1 To Max_Ennemy_Shoot
'Ennemy Shoot Sprites start at 17
EnnemyShootSpr(a) = a + 16
EnnemyShowShoot(a) = 0
Next a
SpriteFlip = 0
'Set Lives ans Score
Lives = 3
Score = 0
' Set the graphics mode
Mode 4
'Erase the screen
'Wait for a key to start
Print @(80 , 100) "Press a key to start"
Do While Inkey$ = "" : Loop
'Initialise the random number generator
Randomize Timer
'Place the ship
ShipX = Pot_Read(2)
ShipY = 198
'Set the Ennemys Positions and directions
For a = 1 To Max_Ennemy
EnnemyPos(a,1) = Set_Ennemy_Pos_X(1)
EnnemyPos(a,2) = Set_Ennemy_Pos_Y(1)
EnnemyDir(a) = Set_Ennemy_Dir(1)
EnnemySpeed(a) = Set_Ennemy_Speed(1)
Next a
OutsideX = -20
OutsideY = -20
'Reset the timer for the game loop
Timer = 0
End Sub
Sub Start_All_Sprite
'We start all sprite here outside the screen
'for not have to look at on/off status
'This improve the performance.
'Sprite order:
'Sprite 1
Sprite On ShipSpr,OutsideX,OutsideY
'Sprite 2 to 6
For a = 1 To Max_Shoot
Sprite On ShootSpr(a),OutsideX,OutsideY
Next a
'Sprite 7 to 16
For a = 1 To Max_Ennemy
Sprite On EnnemySpr(a),OutsideX,OutsideY
Next a
'Sprite 17 to 26
For a = 1 To Max_Ennemy_Shoot
Sprite On EnnemyShootSpr(a),OutsideX,OutsideY
Next a
End Sub
Sub Show_All_Sprites
'Here we show all sprite in respecting the
'Order needed for the Sprite function
'We record the Ship info
Sprite_to_Show(ShipSpr) = ShipSpr
Cx(ShipSpr) = ShipX
Cy(ShipSpr) = ShipY
'Check if Sprites have to be Moved or
'pushed out of the screen
For a = 1 To Max_Shoot
If ShowShoot(a) = 1 Then
Sprite_to_Show(ShootSpr(a)) = 1
Sprite_to_Show(ShootSpr(a)) = 0
Next a
For a = 1 To Max_Ennemy
If EnnemyShow(a) = 1 Then
Sprite_to_Show(EnnemySpr(a)) = 1
Sprite_to_Show(EnnemySpr(a)) = 0
Next a
For a = 1 To Max_Ennemy_Shoot
If EnnemyShowShoot(a) = 1 Then
Sprite_to_Show(EnnemyShootSpr(a)) = 1
Sprite_to_Show(EnnemyShootSpr(a)) = 0
Next a
If SpriteFlip = 0 Then
'Sprites was drawn 1st to last , we erase or move
'then Last to 1st
'Drawing Order was :
'Here we move the Sprite or put them out of the screen
For a = Max_Sprite To 1 Step - 1
Sprite Off a
Next a
For a = Max_Sprite To 1 Step - 1
If Sprite_to_Show(a) = 0 Then
Sprite On a,OutsideX,OutsideY
Sprite On a,Cx(a),Cy(a)
Next a
SpriteFlip = 1
'Sprites was drawn last to 1st , we erase or move
'then 1st to last
'Drawing Order was :
'Here we move the Sprite or put them out of the screen
For a = 1 To Max_Sprite
Sprite Off a
Next a
For a = 1 To Max_Sprite
If Sprite_to_Show(a) = 0 Then
Sprite On a,OutsideX,OutsideY
Sprite On a,Cx(a),Cy(a)
Next a
SpriteFlip = 0
End Sub
Sub Move_Ennemy
'Move all ennemy Ship
Local a
For a = 1 To Max_Ennemy
If EnnemyShow(a) = 1 Then
EnnemyPos(a,1) = EnnemyPos(a,1) + EnnemyDir(a)
'We look if the Ennemy bump at a screen border
'If so , we reverse his direction
If EnnemyPos(a,1) < 1 Then EnnemyDir(a) = 1
If EnnemyPos(a,1) > MM.HRes - 18 Then EnnemyDir(a) = -1
'We made the Ennemy go down
EnnemyPos(a,2) = EnnemyPos(a,2) + EnnemySpeed(a)
'If the ennemy go outside the screen or if we kill
'then we put it at new place
If (EnnemyPos(a,2) >= (MM.VRes - 40)) Or (EnnemyKilled(a) = 1) Then
EnnemyPos(a,1) = Set_Ennemy_Pos_X(1)
EnnemyPos(a,2) = Set_Ennemy_Pos_Y(1)
EnnemyDir(a) = Set_Ennemy_Dir(1)
'Update the score if we kill a Ennemy
If EnnemyKilled(a) = 1 Then
EnnemyKilled(a) = 0
Score = Score + 10
Next a
End Sub
Sub Move_Shoot
'Move the player shoots
Local a
For a = 1 To Max_Shoot
If ShowShoot(a) = 1 Then
ShootPos(a,2) = ShootPos(a,2) + Shoot_Speed
'If the Shoot go outside the screen we put it
'as not showed
If ShootPos(a,2) < 18 Then ShowShoot(a) = 0
Next a
End Sub
Sub Move_Ennemy_Shoot
'Move the ennemys shoots
Local a
For a = 1 To Max_Ennemy_Shoot
If EnnemyShowShoot(a) = 1 Then
EnnemyShootPos(a,2) = EnnemyShootPos(a,2) + Ennemy_Shoot_Speed
'If the Shoot go outside the screen we put it
'as not showed
If EnnemyShootPos(a,2) >= MM.VRes Then EnnemyShowShoot(a) = 0
Next a
End Sub
Sub Check_Ennemy_Dead
'Check if we have kill one of the Ennemy
Local a,b
Local px,py
For a = 1 To Max_Ennemy
px = EnnemyPos(a,1) + 15
py = EnnemyPos(a,2) + 15
For b = 1 To Max_Shoot
If ShowShoot(b) = 1 Then
If (ShootPos(b,1) >= EnnemyPos(a,1)) And (ShootPos(b,1) <= px) Then
If (ShootPos(b,2) >= EnnemyPos(a,2)) And (ShootPos(b,2) <= py) Then
'We have killed this ennemy
EnnemyKilled(a) = 1
Score = Score + 10
ShowShoot(b) = 0
If Audio_is_playing = 1 Then
PlayMOD stop
PlayMOD "Explode.mod" , 6000
PlayMOD "Explode.mod" , 6000
Exit For
Next b
Next a
End Sub
Sub Check_Player_Dead
'Check if the Ennemys kill us
Local a,px,py
px = ShipX + 15
py = ShipY + 15
For a = 1 To Max_Ennemy_Shoot
If EnnemyShowShoot(a) = 1 Then
If (EnnemyShootPos(a,1) >= ShipX) And (EnnemyShootPos(a,1) <= px) Then
If (EnnemyShootPos(a,2) >= ShipY) And (EnnemyShootPos(a,2) <= py) Then
'The Ennemy Kill us !
'............... to continue ............
Lives = Lives - 1
If Lives = 0 Then
Drive "b:"
Print @(100,80) "Game Over"
Print @(80,120) "press a key to restart"
Do While Inkey$ = "" : Loop
Exit Sub
Next a
End Sub
Sub Put_New_Fire
'Here we check if we can add a new fire
Local a
For a = 1 To Max_Shoot
If ShowShoot(a) = 0 Then
'we can add a shoot
'Record the the Actual Show Shoot status
ShootPos(a,1) = ShipX + 6
ShootPos(a,2) = ShipY - 8
ShowShoot(a) = 1
If Audio_is_playing = 1 Then
PlayMOD stop
PlayMOD "Shoot.mod" , 6000
PlayMOD "Shoot.mod" , 6000
Exit For
Next a
End Sub
Sub Put_New_Enenmy_Fire
'Here we check if the Ennemy can add a new fire
Local a
For a = 1 To Max_Ennemy_Shoot
If EnnemyShowShoot(a) = 0 Then
'Ennemy can add a shoot
EnnemyShootPos(a,1) = EnnemyPos(a,1) + 6
EnnemyShootPos(a,2) = EnnemyPos(a,2) + 16
EnnemyShowShoot(a) = 1
Exit For
Next a
End Sub
Function Pot_Read(ADC_Pin)
'Read the potentiometer value for place
'the X coordinate from the Ship
'ADC_Pin is the pin number we have define for ADC input
Local CalcPot , tmppos
CalcPot = 3 / MM.HRes
tmppos = Int((Pin(ADC_Pin) -0.1) / CalcPot)
If tmppos > (MM.HRes - 17) Then tmppos = MM.HRes - 17
Pot_Read = tmppos
End Function
Function Check_Fire(Fire_Button)
'Return the value from the Fire Button
'Fire_Button is the pin number we have define as fire button
Check_Fire = Pin(Fire_Button)
End Function
Function Set_Ennemy_Dir(dummy)
'Return -1 or 1 for the Ennemy direction
Local a
a = 0
Do While a = 0
If (Int(Rnd * 100) + 1 ) > 50 Then
a = 1
a = -1
Set_Ennemy_Dir = a
End Function
Function Set_Ennemy_Pos_X(dummy)
'Set Ennemy Pos X
Set_Ennemy_Pos_X = Int(Rnd * (MM.HRes - 30)) + 15
End Function
Function Set_Ennemy_Pos_Y(dummy)
'Set Ennemy Pos X
Set_Ennemy_Pos_Y = Int(Rnd * 30) + 15
End Function
Function Set_Ennemy_Speed(dummy)
'Set the Ennemy Speed in Y
Set_Ennemy_Speed = Int(Rnd * 5) + 1
End Function