This module is part of the original MMBasic library. It is reproduced here with kind permission of Hugh Buckle and Geoff Graham. Be aware it may reference functionality which has changed or is deprecated in the latest versions of MMBasic.¶
Note: Any required file(s) are available in the attachments tab (top right).
10 ' Twinkle demonstrates the ability of
20 ' Maximite to control individual pixels
30 '
40 OPTION base 1
50 nbr = mm.vres * 10
60 CLS
70 DIM p(nbr,2)
80 h = 1
90 DO
100 x = RND * mm.hres
110 y = RND * mm.vres
120 PSET (x,y) ' Turn on a star
130 p(h,1) = x ' And save it
140 p(h,2) = y
150 h = h + 1 ' Next new star
160 IF h > nbr THEN h = 1
170 PRESET (p(h,1), p(h,2)) ' Erase the old
180 count = count + 1
190 LOCATE mm.hres/2 - 20, mm.vres/2 - 5
200 PRINT count;
210 LOOP ' Loop forever