This module is part of the original MMBasic library. It is reproduced here with kind permission of Hugh Buckle and Geoff Graham. Be aware it may reference functionality which has changed or is deprecated in the latest versions of MMBasic.¶
Note: Any required file(s) are available in the attachments tab (top right).
100 'JULIA.BAS - Draws Julia set fractal images
102 'By loki on the Back Shed Aug 2012
103 'See topic (MM) Mandelbrot & Julia set fractals
105 'Specify initial values
120 RealOffset = -1.30
125 ImaginOffset = -1.22
126 '------------------------------------------------*
130 'Set the Julia set constant [eg C = -1.2 + 0.8i]
135 CRealVal = -0.78
140 CImagVal = -0.20
141 '------------------------------------------------*
145 MAXIT=80 'max iterations
180 PixelWidth = MM.HRES
185 PixelHeight = MM.VRES
190 GAP = PixelHeight / PixelWidth
200 SIZE = 2.50
205 XDelta = SIZE / PixelWidth
210 YDelta = (SIZE * GAP) / PixelHeight
215 CLS
220 'Loop processing - visit every pixel
225 FOR X = 0 TO (PixelWidth - 1)
230 CX = X * Xdelta + RealOffset
235 FOR Y = 0 TO (PixelHeight - 1)
240 CY = Y * YDelta + ImaginOffset
245 Zr = CX
250 Zi = CY
255 COUNT = 0
260 'Begin Iteration loop
265 DO WHILE (( COUNT <= MAXIT ) AND (( Zr * Zr + Zi * Zi ) < 4 ))
270 new_Zr = Zr * Zr - Zi * Zi + CRealVal
275 new_Zi = 2 * Zr * Zi + CImagVal
280 Zr = new_Zr
285 Zi = new_Zi
290 COUNT = COUNT + 1
295 LOOP
500 NEXT Y
510 NEXT X
520 DO
530 a$ = INKEY$
540 LOOP WHILE a$ = ""
600 'End listing