Page History: PicoMite
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Page Revision: 2021/06/24 18:40
Exploratory thread for the Picomite: :
Just PlayingProposed Functionality: Proposed FunctionalityPicoMite Alpha 1: AlphaPicoMite Alpha 2: Starting on DisplaysPico Product Brief: Product BriefPico Datasheet: DatasheetPico on a PCB: Mounted PicoSome Benchmarks: BenchmarksPicoMite Notes: [|Notes by Mixtel90: link subject to updating for new ver
Add-on PCBs: PCBs SPI LCDs to Use with additional hardware: ILI9341 and ILI9488 The ILI9488 as a problem with its MISO pin which causes the SD module and touch to fail; it must be disconnected Some Games/Puzzles/Utilities ChemiChaos CrateAway Some Functional Modules ESP-01 & Programmer ESP-01 Adaptor PCB Module MCP23017 I2C Interface 16bit I/O Extension Module DS3231 RTC Module SD Card Reader Module PicoMite and HTML An HTML Server Flashing Lights with HTML