This module is part of the original MMBasic library. It is reproduced here with kind permission of Hugh Buckle and Geoff Graham. Be aware it may reference functionality which has changed or is deprecated in the latest versions of MMBasic.¶
Note: Any required file(s) are available in the attachments tab (top right).
'1WDS1820.BAS 29 March 2012
'By Ian Delaney
PinNbr = 20
GetTemp PinNbr, Temp, power$, device$, code$
Print "The temperature is:" format$(Temp,"% 1.3f"); " degrees C"
print device$;code$;power$
' Subroutine to get the temperature from a Dallas DS18B20/DS18S22
' or DSS20/DS1820 externally or parasite powered via 1-wire protocol.
' Reports temperature, device family, ROM Code and Power connection.
' Only 1 device allowed on the cable.
' Iandaus
Sub GetTemp (PinNbr, Value,power$,device$, code$)
Local T1, T2, t, a1,a2,a3,a4,a5,a6,a7,a8, device, presence, power
Local Countrem, T1C, TConv, T1t, T1t16, Value12, a,b,c,d,e,f,g,h
Tconv=750 'max time mS for temp conversion in parasite mode
' for slowest device
' Check a device is present
OWReset PinNbr,presence ' reset
if presence = 0 then ' no device
temp = 999.99
device$ = "No device found!"
code$ = ""
power$ = ""
exit sub
' check whether power external or parasitic
OWReset PinNbr,presence
OWWrite PinNbr, 1,2,&hcc, &hb4
OWRead PinNbr,4,1,power
if power = 1 then
power$ = " using External Power."
power$ = " using Parasitic Power."
' get ROM Code - useful if you want more than 1 device on wire
OWWrite PinNbr,1,1,&h33 'read ROM code
OWRead PinNbr,0,8,a1,a2,a3,a4,a5,a6,a7,a8
code$ = " with ROM Code "+ str$(a1)+" "+str$(a2)+" "+str$(a3)+" "+str$(a4)+" "
code$ = code$ + str$(a5)+" "+str$(a6)+" "+str$(a7)+" "+str$(a8)
' determine device family from code
if a1=16 then
device$ = "on DS1820/DS18S20"
elseif a1=34 then
device$ = "on DS18S22"
elseif a1=40 then
device$ = "on DS18B20"
device$ = "Not known"
' read temperature
owreset PinNbr ' reset before command (or use flag=9)
OWWrite PinNbr, 8, 2, &hcc, &h44 ' start conversion
'read external when bit goes hi, for parasitic just wait
If power = 0 Then
Pause Tconv
t = Timer
If Timer - t > 1000 Then Error "Sensor not responding"
OWRead PinNbr, 4 , 1 , b ' conversion done?
Loop Until b = 1
'read temperature from scratchpad and convert to degrees C + or -
OWWrite PinNbr, 1, 2, &hcc, &hbe ' command read data
OWRead PinNbr, 2, 2, T1, T2 ' get the data
OWReset PinNbr
' calculate temp depending on device in use
'Need to analyse type of chip to calculate temp from T1 and T2
'T2 is MSB containing sign, T1 is LSB
if a1=34 or a1=40 then 'DS18S22 or DS18B20 is 12 bit
If T2 And &b1000 Then 'negative temp
'make 2s complement (1s complement+1)
T2 = (T2 xor &b11111111)
T1 = (T1 xor &b11111111)+1
if T1=1 then T2=T2+1 'add the carry if required
Value = ((T2 And &b111) * 256 + T1) / 16
Value = -Value
else 'positive temp
Value = ((T2 And &b111) * 256 + T1) / 16
elseif a1=16 then 'DS18S20 or DS1820 is 9bit or calc to 12bit
if T2 AND &b10000000 then 'if MSB of T2=1 then negative
'Read 12bit resolution and adjust
'read scratchpad using matchrom to get Count Remaining @byte 7
OWWrite PinNbr,1,9,&h55,a1,a2,a3,a4,a5,a6,a7,a8 'read from scratchpad
OWWrite PinNbr,0,1,&hbe
OWRead PinNbr,0,8,a,b,c,d,e,f,g,h
'truncate 0.5deg value (or use integer division \)
T1t = T1 AND &b11111110
T1t=T1t / 2 'make whole degrees
'add compensation values read from scratchpad
T1t16=T1t*16 'make lsb 1/16 degree
Value12 = T1t16 -4 +(16 - COUNTREM) 'add 12 bit value
'take 2s complement
T1C = (Value12 XOR &b11111111111) + 1
Value = T1C/16 'make decimal value in degrees
Value = -Value
else 'positive temp
Value = T1 / 2 '9bit value
'Read 12bit resolution and adjust
'read scratchpad using matchrom
OWWrite PinNbr,1,9,&h55,a1,a2,a3,a4,a5,a6,a7,a8 'read from scratchpad
OWWrite PinNbr,0,1,&hbe
OWRead PinNbr,0,8,a,b,c,d,e,f,g,h
T1t = T1 AND &b11111110 'truncate 0.5deg(or use integer division \)
Value = T1t/2
Value = Value - 0.25 + (16 - COUNTREM) /16 '12 bit value
End Sub